AI Change Summary

Note: Only available in the Enterprise Plan.

AI change summary provides concise summaries of website changes, distilled into 2 or 3 lines.

Benefits of change summary

  • Provides you quick access to important changes without navigating through change history or exploring Diff.
  • Useful for monitoring full-page or large-section changes with a high volume of changes.
  • Consolidates scattered webpage changes into one place.

Steps to enable AI summary:

  1. In your watchlist click the hamburger icon.
  2. Select “AI Experiments” from the list.
  3. Toggle to “ON” the “Summarize Changes”.
change summary of web page changes

Where to view the AI change summary?

The summaries can be viewed within the change history of a monitor as shown below. Additionally, you will also receive them in the email alerts if email actions are set.

In the watchlist, click on the preview of the monitor’s text. You will see the AI Change Summary highlighted in blue.

change summary of web page changes

You can further, explore the Diff in the change history to review the changes in detail.

If the changes are insignificant, you will see the text “No important changes were found”.

change summary of web page changes

When do monitors record AI summaries?

  • AI summaries are generated only if the monitored text exceeds 200 characters. Otherwise, no summaries are produced.
  • The AI summary is only available in the enterprise plans for cloud monitors.
  • Summaries are generated only for web page and PDF type monitors.

Note: AI summaries are just a feature in preview, we are working on enhancing its performance.

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