Competitive intelligence with web monitoring

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Track Competitors' Website

Tools like BuiltWith help in finding the technology stack used by competitors and SimilarWeb helps you assess overall competitive landscape

  • Website traffic
  • Keyword rankings
  • Broken links, formatting and URL issues
  • Top performing pages
  • Analyze landing pages for key target focus verticals

Use Distill's sitemap monitor to crawl and index the full website and even set up granular tracking on individual webpages

Investigate Content Strategy

BuzzSumo or Ahrefs can help you identify both competitors' top-performing content and the strength of their backlink profiles

  • Content formats published
  • Publishing frequency
  • Content quality
  • Subscribe to email alerts and newsletters
  • Setup Google Alerts on the competing products and brands
  • CTAs used. Eg: Sign up, Free trial, Download, Request a Demo

Set up alerts for content modifications with Distill to keep track of your competitors' publishing frequency and keyword usage across content types

Study Social Media Presence

Hootsuite and SproutSocial assist in social listening and provide in-depth reporting and analytics on engagement metrics across multiple social networks

  • Posting frequency and consistency
  • Visual branding and messaging on videos, images and Ads
  • Number of likes, shares and followers
  • Comments and replies
  • Sponsored posts
  • Mentions in posts about partnerships, collaborations, and alliances

Leverage Distill to get social media alerts for new posts, mentions, changes in social feeds, number of followers and likes

Monitor Customer Reviews and Feedback

Platforms and forums like Google Reviews, Yelp, and Reddit aid in analyzing customer sentiment, identifying new opportunities and discovering new markets

  • Identify review platform: Yelp, TrustPilot, Amazon, G2 Crowd
  • Review trends and sentiment
  • Ratings and testimonials

Employ Distill to track competitor pages on Yelp, Trustpilot, Reddit, and G2 Crowd for customer feedback and ratings

Examine Ads and SEO Strategy

Utilize SEMrush, SpyFu, or Ahrefs to analyze competitors' paid advertising campaigns, changes in keyword rankings, and backlink profiles

  • Keyword research and backlink profile analysis
  • CTA used
  • Frequency of publishing
  • Choice of Ad platform

Use Distill to monitor SERP and spot competitors bidding on your industry and product keywords in search engine and eCommerce Ads

Track Hiring and Growth Plans

LinkedIn and other job portals help keep a pulse on competitors' hiring activity, technology, and skills listed in their open positions

  • Job titles and compensation
  • Technology stack
  • Expansion plans and investments
  • R&D focus and roadmap

Monitor competitors' career pages with Distill to track their latest job postings for insights into their growth strategy

Compile and Analyse Data

Import the collected competitive data into your internal BI tools (like Tableau, Power BI, Looker) for in-depth analytics

  • Integrate data into your workflow
  • Organize your findings
  • Generate reports

Utilize Distill’s enterprise API to integrate competitive web data into your internal business intelligence tools for in-depth analysis and reporting