Automate finding and tracking tickets online
Get alerts about
presales announcements
Discover upcoming
concerts and tour dates
Track ticket availability
for sold out events

Criteria based ticket tracking
Track ticketing websites like Ticketmaster, StubHub, Fandango, Viagogo, SeatGeek etc based on conditions like price, seat type, event, artist, date range etc.
- Set up custom conditions to track tickets based on event name, artist, venue, seat location, etc
- Track the entire ticketing webpage or a targeted section for changes
- Beat digital queues and track ticket availability every few seconds
Automated Ticket Search
Distill's macros automate interactions like button clicks, filtering, scrolling etc, while navigating to an event page
- Record and replay steps on ticket websites to automate ticket search
- Replay the recorded sequence of search actions on the webpage at desired frequencies
- Import and reuse recorded action sequence across multiple ticketing webpages
Discover upcoming and new events
Get the best tickets in the venue by tracking your favorite artists and bands for upcoming events, concert tours and fan meets.
- Track upcoming live events, theatre, festivals, sports, stand up or concert tickets based price, event name or venue
- Get alerts of pre-sale and VIP event passes as soon as its announced on ticketing websites
- Get real time alerts of event announcements via email, webhook, SMS, android or iOS devices to immidiately book your tickets
Track tickets for Sold Out events
Beat digital queues and get early notifications about last minute availability of tickets for popular events that have sold out on ticketing websites
- Automate tracking ticket availability in the seating section of sold-out events
- Get immediate alerts when tickets are on resale or additional tickets are released
- Track the price section of the event web page for special offers and last-minute discounts