Get audio alerts on changes

Note: Only applicable for local monitors running on a PC.

You can receive audio notifications for changes to your monitors. In addition to default audio sounds, you can add custom sounds alerts. You can also disable audio notification globally.

How to add audio alert action?

You can add audio notification from the Options window or from the context menu button as shown below in the picture:

Audio notification - Distill Web Monitor

How to add custom sound alerts?

You can choose from default sounds. In addition, you can also add your custom audio file to play as audio notification. Please follow these steps to help you add custom audio file:

  1. Click “Settings” from Watchlist.
  2. Go “Actions” tab. In “Tones” section, add the file and save changes.

Once a new sound is added, you can select it for any monitor from the dropdown list of sounds.

Add custom sound - Distill Web Monitor

How to disable audio notification from global settings?

You can disable audio notification for all your monitors at once. Go to Settings→ Actions. Uncheck “Enable audio notification”.

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